Our Perspective
If we see society like a tree, then health is the root system – a foundation of life – essential for every living being.
To heal means to connect with people and to build communities of mutual trust. Therefore, healing, medicine and free access to them are key pillars of communitarian self-defense. That is our aim in building Medical Self-Defense Network.
We approach health as holistic well-being in mental, physical, social and environmental domains. Free access to medical care regardless of gender, ethnicity, economic position or legal status to support that well-being is everyone’s right.
Who We Are
MSDN is an international association of medical professionals, volunteers and healthcare organizations.
In the current state of ecological catastrophe, social inequality and economic crises we promote an idea of a different relationship to healthcare. A relation that is based on having agency in health instead of being dependent patients and business objects, a relation which promotes mutual aid instead of charity and circumvents poverty through grassroots empowerment.
Practical realization of this relationship is the mission of MSDN.
What We Do
Networking. Bringing structures, professionals, volunteers and resources into an interconnected organism focused around grassroots health care.
Resource & Infrastructure. Research & Development, 3D printing, resource distribution put in service of communities.
Herbalism. Putting forward natural remedies, backed by tradition, field experience and science, as both a tool of healing and reclaiming cultural heritage.
Emergency medicine. Initial medical response on the ground in areas of armed conflict and war.
Street medicine. Providing first aid to civil population facing violence during protests.
Education. Building training curriculum and educative courses opening a range of knowledge from basic first aid skill to advanced medical training to everyone in need.
Grassroots reporting. Bringing insights on healthcare from communities on the ground.

How To Support
Solidarity and mutual aid are foundational values, and necessary to establish Medical Self-Defense Network. If you, your collective or organisation are interested in educations on first aid or want to get organised in the network, please get in touch with us.