Medical Self-Defense Network

We believe that another world is not only possible, but necessary.


If we see society like a tree, then health is the root system – a foundation of life – essential for every living being. To heal means to connect with people and to build communities of mutual trust. Therefore, healing, medicine and free access to them are key pillars of communitarian self-defense. That is our aim in building Medical Self-Defense Network.

We understand healing as holistic and include the importance of physiological, emotional and mental well being. We aim to develop methods and tools to take this into account on an individual as well as on a collective level and cultivate solidarity in the medical field as well as other aspects of life.

Who We Are

Medical Self-Defense Network is a group of people from different parts of the world with various professional backgrounds, skills and experiences including working as medics, paramedics or in traditional public health care.

We want to connect with groups focusing on herbalism and natural medicine as well as other local medical groups and networks and are open to learn different approaches to health and self-defense.

What We Do

Medical Self-Defense Network organise seminars, give educations, gather resources and organise fundings to acquire medical equipment supporting communities, local health structures and people’s self-defense with a foundation and spirit of trust and mutual learning.

We are coordinating medical projects in different places – mainly Europe, North America and North East Syria, where among other projects, we provide first response on the field and medical assistance in hospitals and refugee camps. Now we are beginning to collaborate on local production of 3D printed tourniquets.

How To Support

Solidarity and mutual aid are foundational values, and necessary to establish Medical Self-Defense Network. If you, your collective or organisation are interested in educations on first aid or want to get organised in the network, please get in touch with us.