3D Printed Tourniquets

During the fight against the Islamic state, and later against Turkey, more than 12,000 people were killed in North East Syria. The Red Crescent, the health structures within the local administration as well as international combat medic groups were engaged in giving first aid to injured people.  An injured person with massive bleeding can die in as little as one and a half minutes; therefore, to apply a tourniquet as fast as possible is vital in order to increase the chances of survival. 

Manufactured tourniquets can cost thirty dollars a piece or more, not including the cost of transportation to NE Syria. Additionally, the embargo makes it very difficult to provide sufficient access to tourniquets and other medical necessities. Together with the local health structures, we are working on the development of local production of tourniquets using 3D printers.

If you would like to contribute to this project, we welcome any support. For those with technical skills in 3D printing, there are opportunities to work in NE Syria, and the possibility to develop this project in other regions as well.

For those without technical skills in 3D printing that would like to contribute financially or otherwise, there are ways in which you can help.

If you are interested, please get in contact with us at
