In this article we explain about a connection of health care and technology, what MSDN do in the field of tech and how you can support research and development.
161 years ago, as a reaction to the terrible suffering, pain and death in wars due to a lack of any medical attendance and basic care, Henri Dunant came with a proposal leading to the establishment of International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC). The organization flag became a common distinctive protection symbol for medical personnel in the field and also for the wounded. Furthermore it guaranteed the ability to transport wounded, medical volunteers and needed equipment, protection of facilities and safe places to hold conferences in order to enact these principles. Additionally, after the beginning of WWI a sub-organization called International Prisoners-of-War Agency (IPWA) was enabled to trace prisoners of war and to re-establish communications with their respective families. IFRC truly stands for quite revolutionary ideas when it comes to care for people suffering in wars. Unfortunately the reality on the ground is far from these principles.
MSDN started as a field medic group in North East Syria (NES) in 2019 during the last battles in liberating the region from the Caliphate imposed by the Islamic State (ISIS). When providing first aid to people in a war against ISIS, including children on both sides, there is no guarantee that the fundamental principles of IFRC agreement will be respected.
Medics, the wounded, health facilities or even the dead can at any time become a target. This became apparent during the following joint invasion of jihadist mercenaries (Syrian National Army – SNA) and Turkey. Not only was it the same practices known from the time of ISIS (often by the same people), the Turkish army also have technological superiority, which was utilized in re-occurring attacks on medical personnel, ambulances and facilities from both air and ground (here and here). Journalists were (and are) also targeted, followed by recordings of mutilating their dead bodies. Another problem is an abuse of border crossing and checkpoints; blocking transports of injured, delivery of medical equipment or civilians traveling for medical attendance.
To know how to apply first aid, care for the wounded and respect the fallen is not enough anymore. Survival of people and their dignity require re-thinking defense of life and health care.
Health, Autonomy and Tech
Main takeaway from initial steps of Red Cross foundation is the will to change existing problems and imagination for new solutions. We can’t stick to forms which worked over a century ago, it’s time to look beyond the current ways of understanding first aid and health care in the most impacted regions.
Technology has been used by authoritarian regimes to subjugate society and inflict harm. At the same time democratic technology promotes diversity, resiliency, local autonomy and health for communities. It’s our duty to reclaim such technology and imagine new possibilities.
MSDN Tech Projects
You can read about MSDN works in general here. In the area of tech we have been developing:
Self-manufactured tourniquet (TQ) prototype: TQ’s can quickly be depleted and in NES it may be impossible to purchase them or deliver them in time. Inspired by work of Glia, we started to research how to 3D print them in a way that is scalable in other regions. With clear documentation, mentorship and inexpensive tech, people can be self-sustainable in production of this essential life saver.
Practice wounds moulage: High quality training dummy wounds made out of silicon, 3D printed parts, and stripes for body attachment as a replacement for over-priced and often inaccessible training injuries. Currently we are testing the final batch. We can either ship ready made products or (preferably) share a know-how to produce them.
Testing internet access and censorship: In collaboration with free and open source projects, our team in NES will collect data and set up a basis for community-based project leading into an improvement of the internet access, network privacy and anti-censorship measures.
Callout for Support
There are many areas where technology can prevent harm and protect lives. We welcome initiative and proposals, and looking for help particularly, in developing systems of distributed offline communication and autonomous internet access.
If you want to contribute to these works or have other ideas of improvement, contact us on research [at], donate or share MSDN website or X profile.
What is MSDN
MSDN is an international network connecting grassroots of medical professionals, volunteers and organizations and providing frame and tools for non-state and non-corporate healthcare actors to mobilize as bodies capable of facilitating mutual aid and disaster relief responses.